• Farmers UnitingPeople For Food & Water Security

    British Columbia - Canada

    ( a work in progress, some links may not work )

    We the farmers call on citizens of BC, to unite for FOOD and Water SECURITY. Legislation, is altering our land and water rights making it diffcult to farm and supply our community with organic, healthy, meat, dairy, grain, eggs, fish and produce.

    WE NEED YOUR HELP. We can't push back against the bills and acts being passed, on our own.


    The issues BC farmers are facing:

    • Manditory compliance through well registration. (Land Act) If registered it binds farmers to new laws. If refused, water use is physically shut off.
    • Property tax up by 400%! If outside the ALR, Bill 36, can assess farm value 'as if' the land had buildings and future worth thus forcing farmers to sell their established farm land.
    • Complaints about smell or noice about roosters or fertilizer. See this article about Salt Spring Island.
    • Slaughter regulations and license regulations eat up profits. (Unless for private consumption.)
    • 770 acres of ALR removed from designation of farmland in the Fraser Valley.

    Our Solution? Buy Local. Stay informed. Join the Farmers Underground for private Access the Farmers Underground Directory

    Register your farm on Vancouver Island, BC. From Pop Up Egg/Veg stores to large scale farming, for grain, produce, butchers and more.

    Shop local and support farmers within your area.


    broken image
    Locate & join BC Farmers Insitute.

    Since 1856, the BC Farmers Institute (40 districts) has provided a conduate to the government on farming rights and regulations.


    From growing, to butchering, to canning, their courses are essential to consumers and farmers for ensure safe food supply. Please Join Today.

  • The Issues Farmers are Facing...


    "On XX-XX-2024, 2 men in suits from the XXXX came onto my farm and told me to stop farming. They informed me, that my 3 acres, not part of the ALR, of which I pay $11,000 in property tax now, will now be assessed at the value of what it could generate in taxes, if a building was there instead. Forcing me to sell and stop farming. $44,000 is the new assessment. I have to sell. This is criminal. "


    — Robert XXXX 37 years old - Langley BC

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